Sunday, September 2, 2007

Desserts for sale!

This summer I've been making cupcakes & selling them at gilman. They've all sold out, and lately I've been selling 2 dozen before the 2nd or 3rd band has started. Here are a few of my favorites:
Chocolate cupcake filled with a peanut butter butter cream, with a peanut butter chocolate ganache, topped with a pb butter cream swirl.

Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting topped with raspberry purree & a fresh raspberry.

Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting topped with chicko-sticks.

Chocolate mint cupcakes with a mint butter cream icing topped with a mint leaf.

summer dinner

I've been trying to do two things lately: eat healthier, not cook meals that take more than 20 minutes (hot stoves in the summer are the worst). This tofu veggie stir fry with cous-cous was an attempt for both of these things. I think it turned out pretty well.

I pressed the tofu (but not for long enough because I was impatient). While the veggies were cooking a little I marinated the tofu in soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, sesame oil, hot sauce, garlic & cumin. I added garlic, crushed red pepper, salt & pepper to the plain cous-cous . I stir fried the veggies, sauce & tofu together. It didn't take long at all.

I am eagerly awaiting new entries from other LNP members-I hope they come soon...

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Vacation pizza is the best kind of pizza

Trader Joe's garlic & herb dough
Homemade tomato/pizza sauce
Swiss-Cheddar smoked cheese
Fresh Tomato
Red Peppers
Kidney Beans
Crushed red peppers

yum yum yum.

Monday, July 30, 2007

7/29 - Sick Dinner

Being sick is the worst, especially in the summertime, double especially when you're on vacation. Yesterday for dinner I had lentil soup, bread with smoked gouda and ginger ale.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

7/27 - Love & Haight

What a clever name for a sandwich shop. Or just a shop on Haight in general. Very, very clever.

I had never been here, which is surprising. I had a very good vegetarian sandwich that wasn't terribly expensive. Sourdough roll, veggies add avocado, with "chicken" steak. The steak was hot but not too hot to wilt the vegetables. It had a nice contrast of hot & cold. The fake meat didn't make me feel grossie like some kinds do (ahem-Great Wall-ahem). I really enjoyed my sandwich.
PS: I took this picture on the "food" setting on my new camera. It's kind of dark. I increased the exposure to make it lighter for the next picture. It looked exactly the same. Maybe I just don't have a trained eye in the art of digital cameras.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

7/22/7-Sharing Snacks

Today I made tofu sticks and brought them to the punk dj day at the Missouri Lounge. They were eatin up real quick like. I got the recipe from Mel's vegan blog and adapted it a bit. I pressed tofu for a long time, dunked in a flour mixture (wheat flour, cumin, garlic, salt, pepper, nutritional yeast), then a liquid mixture (soymilk, siracha, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce), then back in the flour mixture. Drizzled with olive oil & baked. Afterwards I put lemon juice on them & topped with cilantro and chives. Yum yum yum.

Friday, July 13, 2007

7/12/7 - Dinner

I've been trying to come up with more things to bbq. Earlier this week, it hit me. Paninis! And just when I thought that was all I could come up with, I saw a tv cook make some sort of bbq potato salad. So that's basically what we did yesterday. It was delightful.

We thinly sliced potatoes, put olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic on them and put them on the bbq. They were better then I thought they would be. The sandwiches had: cheese (provolone, smoked guda, and/or mozerella), fresh basil, tomato, avocado, grilled zuchini and onions. We drizzled olive oil on them and rubbed the bread with garlic. We put a cast iron skillet down on top of it to panini-fy it. It was great. Another bbq triumph.